BP Students Summer Update

The Bridge is BP’s student group for those in 6th through 12th grade. This fun and engaging group gives students an environment to grow, ask questions, and find hope in Jesus. We asked Nelson to give us a glimpse into what the students have been up to this summer — and it’s been awesome! Thank you BP Family for your prayer and support for the next generation coming up.

Color War – Saturday, July 22

Our student Color War event was a total blast! Students wore white shirts and threw colored powder at each other to cover their team with as much color as possible. We had hot dogs for lunch and there was a climbing wall for those feeling adventurous. The day ended with an epic water balloon fight where everyone went wild! The event also attracted the attention of a family who was not yet part of the church but has since gotten connected. Praise God!  It was a colorful and fun-filled start to the summer, and we can't wait for more exciting events ahead.

Recap of our summer retreat to Camp Monadnock. 

Surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty, we had the perfect backdrop to grow spiritually and experience God in new ways.

Our time at Camp Monadnock was an exciting and unforgettable experience for our students. They honed their skills in archery and hatchet-throwing, splashed around during swimming and kayaking sessions, climbed new heights and overcame challenges together on the rock climbing and ropes courses. The thrill of archery tag and slingshots added a dash of friendly competition to the mix, keeping everyone on their toes. And, of course, the highlight of the summer was the much-awaited talent show, where our students showcased their unique gifts and talents, fostering an atmosphere of encouragement and celebration. 

Most importantly, the retreat offered us a chance to take meaningful steps in our journey of following Jesus. We engaged in deep discussions, listened to insightful teachings, and spent time in prayer and reflection. God touched our hearts, prompting us to step out of our comfort zones and commit ourselves to a life of faith and obedience.

Looking Forward

As the summer comes to a close, we are cherishing the lessons we've learned and the memories we've made. The Bridge is more than just activities and fun: we are a loving and dynamic community of believers, walking hand-in-hand on this journey of faith.

Students, let's continue to invite others to experience the joy, love, and support we have found in Jesus. Our Color War event has already demonstrated how simple acts of fellowship can lead to life-changing connections. Let's keep shining our light and drawing others to the source of our hope and strength. And with the memories of Camp Monadnock still fresh in our hearts, let's press on in following Jesus wholeheartedly. Together, we can be a force for good and a testament to the transformative power of faith.

May this coming year be filled with more adventures, laughter, and opportunities to grow in our relationship with God and one another. Let's keep living out our faith boldly and impacting the world around us in meaningful ways.

In Christ,

Nelson Guimaraes
Student Ministry Director