BP Staff Open Position

We’re hiring!

We're excited about what's happening in BP Kids! As Sunday attendance increases, our classrooms are busy and growing. To best serve the growth we see coming and the needs of our families, we are adding a co-director position for BP Kids. Natasha will remain as a part-time director, and we are hoping to hire a part-time co-director to join her!

We'd like to provide a little context for this new position. BP Kids had a full-time director until Mike left in the Spring of 2021. When Natasha moved into the role in August of 2021, the hope was that eventually, her position would move from part-time to full-time. Natasha had a new baby at home, Samuel, and the plan was to gradually increase her hours while balancing the needs of her family and the ministry. Since that time, Natasha has worked steadfastly trying to balance the needs of the ministry. There have been seasons where her hours increased and seasons where they needed to decrease. Over time, however, it has become clear that increasing Natasha’s working hours is not best for her, her family, or BP Kids.

Adding a co-director position will provide additional support enabling Natasha and her team to continue to partner with parents to disciple their children, provide the biblical foundation they need, and foster a love for Jesus. We want to thank Natasha for all that she does for BP Kids and for carrying the weight of this ministry despite her limited time. We are grateful for how she serves and cares for our BP Family and are excited to see her work in partnership with another director to provide the leadership needed for BP Kids.

BP Kids Co-Director (Part-time)

We are currently accepting applications for the BP Kids Co-Director Position. This co-director will be primarily responsible for Sunday classroom curriculum/lessons and learning and connection opportunities for families. Our hope is to have a new co-director to work alongside Natasha this fall. Please pray for this position to be filled by the right person. To find out more, email Ezekiel or click HERE to apply.