Praying for One

Every person who has heard about Jesus, believed in Jesus, been saved by Jesus… has done so because someone else shared Jesus with them. Think about your own life and your own story - you’ll see it’s true for you! God uses people committed to Him to pursue people who are far from Him.

At BridgePointe we are committed to praying this simple prayer:

God, please give me one person to share your love with today.

God is constantly at work to bring people back to Himself through Jesus. When we pray this prayer we align ourselves with what God is already doing. We pray this prayer at the end of every service. We even include this prayer at the end of our everyday prayers. We pray it with regularity to remind ourselves that we are on mission, and that God wants to use us.

Here are four things that this simple prayer helps us to express:

  • Appreciation
    The focus of this prayer is God’s love, and when we pray it we are thankful for His love towards us (Ephesians 2:4-5). One of the best ways we can express God’s love for us is to share it with someone else.

  • Awareness
    This prayer acknowledges that God is at work and asks Him to helps us to see where. (Matthew 7:7-8) We are so busy and distracted that we can easily miss where God is already at work. Through this prayer we ask God to give us our One, to make us aware of the person, or people, in our lives who through kindness, conversation, compassion or invitation we can share His love with.

  • Availability
    This is a prayer of surrender - we pray to make ourselves available to be used to share God’s love. If there is someone in our reach who is ready to take a step toward Jesus, when we pray this we are telling God, “please use me!” (Isaiah 6:8)

  • Anticipation
    This is a prayer that God is eager to answer. We pray this prayer with hope, faith and anticipation, because we have a God who is working to bring people back to Himself and He wants us to help. Get ready, when you pray this prayer, God will answer it! (1 Peter 3:15)


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Praying for One puts us in a position to be used by God. But there’s more we can to do to prepare ourselves for His work. We want to be as ready as we can be when we get the opportunity to share God’s love.