The season of Lent— the 40 days leading up to Easter —provides a period of mindfulness and momentum as we anticipate the events of the crucifixion and resurrection. Through the practices of Bible reading, prayer and fasting we train ourselves to think often of Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection, making it more and more a part of who we are. As a result, the celebration of these events on Good Friday and Easter Sunday will be all the more meaningful and magnificent. We invite you into any or all of the following practices during the season of Lent and our series on the Armor of God, #Winning.

Memorize Ephesians 6:10-20

Memorizing scripture helps us keep God’s Word on our minds and hearts at all times. As we spend Lent studying this critical passage on fighting the spiritual battle, what if you could bring it to mind at any moment you need? Do whatever works best for you to put it to memory. Maybe it’s take it one verse at a time, write the entire passage on a notecard, or put it somewhere you’ll see it often. Keep the commitment and make it happen. We believe in you!

Read the Gospel of Matthew

Have you ever read an entire biography of Jesus? Reading scripture is one of the primary ways we hear from God and stay connected to Him. Lent is a perfect time to look at the life of Jesus and all of the events that lead to the cross and resurrection. You can break up the reading into one chapter a day or read it in one sitting. If you have questions or need help ask a friend or check out our guide on how to spend time in scripture and prayer, located online or at the Book Nook.

Join us for Weekly Prayer

Every Wednesday during Lent from 7-8 AM we will be praying at the building. We invite you to join us whenever you can, no matter how much or little you’ve prayed before. We’ll talk with God together, praise Him for who He is and ask Him to move in our lives and community.

Practice Fasting

Fasting is a powerful practice which directs our body, mind and soul towards our greatest need –God himself. Fasting is a common practice during Lent because it emulates Jesus 40 day fast in the wilderness. Rather than simply subtracting something from our lives, this is an opportunity to add something greater. We invite you to fast together during Lent. You’ll find two options below.

Choose Your Own Fast

Give up food, caffeine, sweets or an activity to make space for God. You know what will work best for you. Intentionally consider what ways you can leverage this season to connect with Jesus in deeper prayer, study, meditation and community.

Follow the Weekly Fast Schedule

Week 1: Food*
Week 2: Television and Movies
Week 3: Social Networking and Internet
Week 4: Caffeine and Sweets
Week 5: Radio and Music
Week 6: Shopping for Non-Essentials
Week 7: Sleep**

*Fasting from food: You may choose to fast from one meal a day; others will do an entire day; others still might choose a fast of multiple days.
**Fasting from sleep: You are neither expected nor encouraged to abstain from sleep for the entire week. However, the hope is that we might set our alarms an hour or two earlier, stay up an hour or two later and devote one entire night or morning to prayer.